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Chessbase - Electronic Chess Books 2006
500 Famous Games
Alekhine - 107 Great Chess Battles 1939-1945
Alexey P. Sokolsky - La partida de ajedrez a través de su desarrollo
Assaic - The Pleasures of Chess
Byrne,Robert - The New York Times Great Chess Victories and Defeats
Chernev, Irving - The Chess Companion
Chernev, Irving - Wonders and Curiosities of Chess
How to Reassess Your Chess
How to Think Ahead in Chess
Linder,Issac - Aesthetics in Chess
Lombardy,Bill and David Daniels - Chess Panorama
Nezhmetdinov, RG - Partite scelte
Plitsetskij,Dmitrij - La Difesa strumento di vittoria
Secrets of the English Chess School
Smith & DeVault-Test Your Opening, Middlegame and Endgame Play
Suetin - Schach Training
The Mammoth Book of Chess
Valladao Monteiro-Poesias do Xadrez
Weeramantry - Best lessons of a chess coach
Znosko-Borovsky - Cómo no jugar al ajedrez
Chess & Positional Play:
Baburin,Alex - Winning Pawn Structures
Crouch - Pawn Chains
Dvoretsky & Yussopov - Positional Play
Isolated Queen_s Pawn
Kmoch,Hans - Pawn Power in Chess
Mayer,Steve - Bishop v Knight - the verdict - which is the stronger piece
Persits,Boris - The Struture of central pawns
Soltis,Andrew - Pawn Structure Chess
Stean,Michael - Simple Chess
Chess Endgames:
Botvinnik - 10 Finales Comentados
Chernev - Practical Chess Endings
Endgame Databases
Endgame Study Database 2000
Howard - Spectacular Chess Problems
Howell - Essential Chess Endgames
Informant - Los Mejores Finales de Capablanca y Fischer
Karpov & Glik - Mis Finales Favoritos
Muller & Lamprecht - Fundamental Chess Endings
Nabokov, Vladimir - Poems and Problems
Nesis,Gennady - Come entrare in un finale vincente
Opposite-Coloured Bishops-Endgames
Ossimitz - Knight and Bishop Endings
Pandolfini's Endgame Course
Reti, Richard - Finales em Ajedrez - Estudios Completos
Seirawan,Yasser - Winning Chess Endings
Shereshevsky -Endgame Strategy
Silman,Jeremy - Essential Chess Endings Explained
Van der Heijden - Endgame Study Database 2000
Weteschnik - Pawn Endings Training
Chess in General
Chernev, Irving - Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played
Chernev, Irving - The Bright Side of Chess
Harding,Tim - Winning at Correspondence Chess
Horowitz & Reinfeld - The Complete Chess Course
Chess Openings
Adorjan_Dory-Come vincere con la Grunfeld
Allen - 33 Classic Opening Chess Traps and stumbles
Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin_The Two Knights Defence
Defensa Siciliana - Nuevos horizontes
ECO Encyclopedia
Ferreira & Sampaio - The Portuguese Opening
Gallagher,Joe - Winning With The King's Gambit
Gelencze,Emil - 200 celadas de apertura
Heisman, Dan -Traxler Counterattack
Lombardy,William - Modern Chess Opening Traps
Matsukevich - Microchess - 555 openings blunders
Mednis,Edmar - From the opening to the endgame
Minzer,Claudio & Gustavo Albarran - Accelerated Dragon
Pandolfini - Chess openings - Traps and zaps
Pandolfini - Chess openings - Traps and zaps 2
Ripperger - The Isolated Queen Pawn
Sawyer, Tim - The Grob Attack
Tartakower & Du Mont - 100 Master Games of Modern Chess
Tartakower & Du Mont - 500 Master Games of Chess
Znosko-Borovsky,Eugene A - How to play the chess openings
Chess Players
Alekhine Best Games 1908-1923
Alekhine Best Games 1924-1937
Botvinnik - One hundred selected games
Capablanca's Hundred Best Games of Chess
Gallagher,Joe - The Magic of Mikhail Tal
Glogoric - Selected Chess Masterpieces
Gordon - Henrique Mecking_ Latin Chess Genius
Gordon & Long - Henrique Mecking_ Latin Chess Genius
Kasparov - The Test of Times
Khalifman - Tal Games I
Soltis, Andrew - Tal the Magnificent
Chess Strategy
40 Lessons for the Club Player
Aleksey Bartashnikov - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy
Cozens - Lessons in Chess Strategy
Euwe,Max - Chess Master vs Chess Amateur
Euwe,Max - Judgment and Planning in Chess
King,Daniel - How Good Is Your Chess
Kotov - Plan Like a Grandmaster
Kotov - Think Like a GrandMaster
Krogius,NV - La psicología en ajedrez
Motwani,Paul - H.O.T.Chess
New Ideas in Chess
Nimzowitch,Aaron - El sentido commun en Ajedrez
Nimzowitch,Aaron - My System
Pachman,Ludek - Modern Chess Strategy
Reti,Richard - Modern Ideas in Chess
Watson,John - Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy
Ziatdinov - GM-RAM Essential GM Knowledge
Chess Tactics and Middlegame
Alburt - Chess Training Pocket Book
Auerswald & Ossimitz - 3500 Chess Tactical Training Positions
Bain - Chess Tactics for Students
Bobekov, Milev & Minev - Chess Combinations
Bondarevsky - Combinations in the Middle game
Brieger - The Joy of Mate
Chernev,Irving - The 1000 Best Short Games of Chess
Dumont - Chess _ More Miniature Games
Encyclopedia of Chess Middlegame
Fine, Reuben - The Middlegame in Chess
François le Lionnais - Brilliancy Prize on Chess
Ftacnik,Lubomir - 1000x checkmate
Grief - 200 Challenging Chess Puzzles
Heidenfeld Wolfgang - Draw!
Horowitz,IA - Games to Remember
Intensive Course of Tactics
Keres & Kotov - The Art of the Middle Game
Khenkin - The last check - Anthology of the mate combinations
Kolesnikov,R - Checkmate in Ukraine
Mossa - Il Bianco Muove e Vince
Nezhmetdinov,RG - Izbrannye Partii
Ossimitz - Smothered Mate
Polgar - 5334 Chess Problems
Polgar Chess Middlegames
Ponzetto - Test di Schacchi
Reinfeld, Fred - 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate
Reinfeld, Fred - Win at Chess
Renaud,Georges and Victor Kahn - The Art of the Checkmate
Renko - Intensive Chess Tactics
Renko - Killer Moves
Ruvolo - L'Arte di attaccare in 120 partite miniature
Schlossner,Henrik - Fritz Technique Trainer
Segal,Alexandre - Fundamentos de Tatica
Seirawan, Yasser - Winning Chess Brilliancies
The ABC of Chess Middlegames
Vukovic, Vladimir - Art of Attack in Chess
Wilson & Alberston - 303 Tactical Chess Puzzles
Wilson & Alberston - 303 Tricky Checkmates
Wilson & Albertson - 303 Tricky Chess Tactics
Chess Tournaments
Battle Royale NY 1924
Saint Petersburg 1909
URS-ch 1920-1991
Peso Comprimido 26.7 MB
Peso Descomprimido 134 MB
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff5fe2/n/Chessbase_-_Electronic_Chess_Books_2006_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=bzlfl4hfsjd
A - C
ChessBase - A00 - Sokolsky 1.b4 By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - A67 Modern Bononi 8...Nbd7 By Motaz Elrefaie
ChessBase - Aaron Nimzowitsch - Chess Praxis
Chessbase - ABC of Chess Middlegames - Gary Gauthier
ChessBase - Albin Counter-Gambit by Luc Henris
Chessbase - Alexander Bangiev - Squares Strategy Vol. 1-2-3-4
Chessbase - All World Championships 1886-2002
Chessbase - Anatoli Karpov
Chessbase - Andrew Soltis - Spassky'S Best Games
ChessBase - Art of Attack in Chess
Chessbase - B99 Najdorf. Main Line by Tyomkin
Chessbase - Basic Chess Endings - Reuben Fine
Chessbase - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy - Alexey Bartashnikov
ChessBase - Bird Opening
ChessBase - Bird Opening By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - Bobby Fischer Rediscovered (chess book) - Soltis
Chessbase - BogoIndian by Schipkov
Chessbase - Books on Chess Strategy - Mark Dvoretsky
Chessbase - Botvinnik on the Endgame - Mikhail Botvinnik
Chessbase - Botvinnik's 100 best games annotated by Botvinnik
ChessBase - Budapest Gambit, 2nd Edition - Dmitrij Oleinikov
Chessbase - Caro-Kann
Chessbase - Caro-Kann - Panov-Attack - Zoran Petronijevic B13-B14
Chessbase - Catalan Opening - Mihail Marin
ChessBase - Catalan Opening By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - Check and Mate by Jamesir - Daniel King
Chessbase - Chess Endings for Beginners - J. H. Blake
Chessbase - Chess Informant 1-100
ChessBase - Chigorin Defence - Martin Breutigam
Chessbase - Chigorin Defense
Chessbase - Colle.System_D.Olienikov
Chessbase - Commented Endgames - Jan van Reek
Chessbase - Commented Endgames - Speelman, Wade, Tisdal
Chessbase - Common Sense in Chess - Emanuel Lasker
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00efb3/n/A_-_C_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/3197856330/A_-_C.7z
D - E
Chessbase - Deadly Threats by George Renko
Chessbase - Dealing with d4 deviations - Everyman [Cox, 2007]
Chessbase - Dutch Defence A90-A99 by Boris Schipkov
Chessbase - Dutch Defence Leningrad System A86-A89
Chessbase - Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - Mark Dvoretsky
Chessbase - Dynamic Chess Strategy - Mihai Suba
Chessbase - Endgame Competition 2005 - John Nunn
Chessbase - Endgame Course - Bruce Pandolfini
Chessbase - Endgame Databases - Ossimitz
Chessbase - Endgame Strategy - Mikhail Shereshevsky
Chessbase - Endgame Studies and Problems
Chessbase - Endgame Study Database 2000
Chessbase - Endgame Study Database 2000-2003 - Van der Heijden
Chessbase - Endgame Study Database III
Chessbase - Endgames_3_4_men.Nalimov
ChessBase - English Opening 1.c4 e5 - Marin, M - 2003 By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - English opening 1.c4 e5 - Marin, Mihail
Chessbase - Extensive Training Tools
Chessbase - Extreme Endgames
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g48g/n/D_-_E_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=y5wmh2nnl5d
F - H
ChessBase - Fire on Board - Shirov
Chessbase - Four Knights vs Queen
Chessbase - French Defense C10-C19 (Text-Database-Training)
Chessbase - French Defense Nc3
Chessbase - Fundamental Chess Endings - Müller & Lamprecht
Chessbase - Gambit Lexicon - Bangiev
Chessbase - Gruenfeld Indian by Knut Neven
Chessbase - Gruenfeld Indian Defense - Neven, K - 2003
Chessbase - How Not to Play Chess - Eugene Znosko-Borovsky
Chessbase - How To Play Combinative Chess - Kotov
Chessbase - How To Reassess Your Chess - Jeremy Silman
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g5c9/n/F_-_H_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=mhljs3m3smd
ChessBase - Immortal Games of Capablanca - Fred Reinfeld
Chessbase - Inforchess - Miguel Najdorf
Chessbase - Intensive Chess Tactics Course by Renko
ChessBase - Intensive Course Tactics 2
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g6b9/n/I_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=pqtjmth376c
J - L
Chessbase - Jose R Capablanca's Career (cbv, bmp,pdf,wav)
Chessbase - Killer Moves by George Renko
Chessbase - King's Gambit
Chessbase - King's Indian - Starting Out [Gallagher, 2006]
Chessbase - King's Indian Attack - Starting Out [Emms, 2007]
Chessbase - King's Indian Attack By Jamesir
Chessbase - King's Indian Samisch
Chessbase - King's Indian Structure
ChessBase - King's Indian structure with f5-f4 By Motaz Elrefaie
ChessBase - Larsen - 50 best games 1948-68
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g716/n/J_-_L_7z
Mirror: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=yqhjlx0mmjd
M - N
Chessbase - MegaCorr 4
Chessbase - Meran Variation
Chessbase - Middlegame - School Of Elementary Tactics
Chessbase - Modern Benoni by Jean Hebert
Chessbase - Modern Endgame Practice - Alexander Beliavsky
Chessbase - Modern Ideas
Chessbase - Modern Ideas in Chess - Richard Réti
Chessbase - Modern_Chess_Sacrifice_CBV_(e-book) - Shamkovich
Chessbase - My Chess Career - Capablanca, J R - 1920, Ed 2002 Sawyer, T
Chessbase - New Ideas In Chess
Chessbase - Nimzo Indian - Starting Out [Ward, 2007]
Chessbase - Nimzo-Indian - Dangerous Weapons [Emms, Ward, Palliser, 2007]
ChessBase - Nimzo-Indian_Qc2 By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - Nimzo-Queen's Indian, QID,
Chessbase - Nimzovich Defense Ultimate CD (Hugh Myers)
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g7ee/n/M_-_N_7z
O - Q
ChessBase - Opening Surveys By Motaz Elrefaie
Chessbase - Opposite-Coloured Bishops - E. Solozhenkin
Chessbase - Paul Morphy
Chessbase - Paul Morphy (491 Annotated Games)
Chessbase - Pawn Ending Kasparov-Karpov - Karsten Mueller
Chessbase - Pawn Endings
Chessbase - Pawn Endings - Martin Weteschnik
Chessbase - Pawn Structure Chess - Andrew Soltis
Chessbase - Pirc Defence - Aleksei Lugovoi
Chessbase - Pirc Defence - Complete Cd
Chessbase - Practical Chess Endings - Irving Chernev
Chessbase - QGD, Slav Defense - International Master
ChessBase - Queens.Gambit Orthodox Exchange
Chessbase - Queens Gambit by Gary Kasparov
Chessbase - Queen'S Gambit Accepted - By Schipkov
ChessBase - Queen's gambit accepted D20-D29 - Boris Schipkov By Motaz Elrefaie
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g8h5/n/O_-_Q_7z
Chessbase - Reti
Chessbase - Right Decisions by Jacob Aaagard & Esben Lund
Chessbase - Rook Endgames - Starting Out [Ward, 2007]
ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defense - 2539 Games
ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Breyer Variation - 1213 Games
Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Cozio Variation
ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Exchange Variation - 2573 Games
Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Marshal Conter-Gambit (Tim Harding - Pdf Pgn CBH)
ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Modern Steinitz Defense - 2
ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Modern Steinitz Defense - 2031 Games
Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Starting Out [Shaw, 2007]
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00g94h/n/R_7z
Chessbase - Scandinavian Opening - Kurt Hansen
Chessbase - Schach-Archiv Endgames
Chessbase - School of Elementary Tactics - Weteschnik
Chessbase - Scotch Game - Starting Out
Chessbase - Secrets.Of.The.English.Chess.School
Chessbase - Sicilian - Modern ways of playing the - by Amador Rodriguez
Chessbase - Sicilian - New horizons for Black - A. Rodriguez
Chessbase - Sicilian [Emms, Palliser, 2007] - Dangerous Weapons
ChessBase - Sicilian Alapin by Evgeny Svesnikov (fried fox)
Chessbase - Sicilian Alapin System (With Opening Tree) - Dorian Rogozenko
Chessbase - Sicilian Closed [Palliser, 2006]
Chessbase - Sicilian Defence - Closed
ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Deferred Wing Gambit
ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - LaBourdonnaisVariat
Chessbase - Sicilian Defense - Modern (Text-Database-Training)
Chessbase - Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation - 9898 Games
ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Polugajweski Variation ECO B96 - 706 Games.zip
ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Scheveningen Variation - 11586 Games
ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - ScheveningenVariati
Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon 1 Dorian Rogozenko
Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon - Complete - A Schneider
Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon (B70 - B74) - Dorian Rogozenko
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00h620/n/S_7z
S - 2
Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon (B75 - B79) - Dorian Rogozenko
Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon For Experts By Attila Schneider
Chessbase - Sicilian Sveshnikov Chess Training
Chessbase - Sicilian, Paulsen System [B40-B49] - Sommerbauer, Norbert - 2005
Chessbase - Slav and Semi-Slav - Starting Out [Flear, 2007]
Chessbase - Starting out Rooks and Pawns
Chessbase - Strategy 3.0
Chessbase - Strategy by Wells 77-119
Chessbase - Study - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy I-II-III
Chessbase - Study Database 2000 (58796 Endings) - Van Der Heijden, H - 2000
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a13h39c/n/S_-_2_7z
Chessbase - Tactics and Strategic training Databases (Collection)
Chessbase - Tactics and Strategic Training Databases (Updated)
Chessbase - Tactics CD by Rainer Knaak
Chessbase - Tactics For Advanced Students Part1
ChessBase - Test Your Chess - Henrik Schloessner
Chessbase - Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess - Danny Kopec
Chessbase - The ABC of Chess Middlegames (Strategy & Tactics) - Gauthier, G - 1999
ChessBase - The ABC of Chess Openings
Chessbase - The ABC of Endgames (ChessBase, English-German)
Chessbase - The Art Of Attack In Chess
Chessbase - The Art of Chess Analysis
Chessbase - The Art of Defence in Chess
Chessbase - The Black Knights Tango - Book Joel Benjamin
Chessbase - The Final Countdown - Hajenius & Van Riemsdijk
Chessbase - The Greatest Tournaments in the History of Chess 1851-1986
Chessbase - The Isolated Queen Pawn - Reinhold Ripperger
ChessBase - The isolated Queen's pawn
ChessBase - The Modern Sacrifice byShamkovich
ChessBase - Trompowsky Attack - Knaak
Chessbase - Twic Theory 2005-2006 Nos 1-24 With 3 Free Numbers
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00h90d/n/T_7z
V - W - #
Chessbase - 1 d4 - Reliable repertoire for improving player - Cox - Starting Out - Everyman ebook
Chessbase - 1 Nc3 The Van Geet Opening by D Maddox
Chessbase - 1000 Most Famous Chess Combinations - Sukhin
ChessBase - 3500 Chess Tactical Training Positions CBV (e-book)
Chessbase - Vienna - 2005 - Gregory Huber
Chessbase - White Repertoire 1.e4
Chessbase - Winning Chess Endings - Yasser Seirawan
Chessbase - Winning in 20 moves
Chessbase - Winning in 20 Moves (333 short games) - Ftacnik, L - 1998
Enlace: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a00hb31/n/V_-_W_-_7z
3 comentarios:
me ha gustado mucho, creo que somos muy pocos los que leemos estos temas de ajedrez. saludos
pudieras actualizar las ligas por favor, ya no funcionan
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