lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

Libros de Ajedrez, en fotmato CHESSBASE

Bueno este es mi primer post en seanduty, espero q les guste, comienzo posteando sobre ajedrez con este megapost sobre libros y base de daots de ajedrez, q por cierto son muchisimos

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Chessbase - Electronic Chess Books 2006


500 Famous Games

Alekhine - 107 Great Chess Battles 1939-1945

Alexey P. Sokolsky - La partida de ajedrez a través de su desarrollo

Assaic - The Pleasures of Chess

Byrne,Robert - The New York Times Great Chess Victories and Defeats

Chernev, Irving - The Chess Companion

Chernev, Irving - Wonders and Curiosities of Chess

How to Reassess Your Chess

How to Think Ahead in Chess

Linder,Issac - Aesthetics in Chess

Lombardy,Bill and David Daniels - Chess Panorama

Nezhmetdinov, RG - Partite scelte

Plitsetskij,Dmitrij - La Difesa strumento di vittoria

Secrets of the English Chess School

Smith & DeVault-Test Your Opening, Middlegame and Endgame Play

Suetin - Schach Training

The Mammoth Book of Chess

Valladao Monteiro-Poesias do Xadrez

Weeramantry - Best lessons of a chess coach

Znosko-Borovsky - Cómo no jugar al ajedrez

Chess & Positional Play:

Baburin,Alex - Winning Pawn Structures

Crouch - Pawn Chains

Dvoretsky & Yussopov - Positional Play

Isolated Queen_s Pawn

Kmoch,Hans - Pawn Power in Chess

Mayer,Steve - Bishop v Knight - the verdict - which is the stronger piece

Persits,Boris - The Struture of central pawns

Soltis,Andrew - Pawn Structure Chess

Stean,Michael - Simple Chess

Chess Endgames:

Botvinnik - 10 Finales Comentados

Chernev - Practical Chess Endings

Endgame Databases

Endgame Study Database 2000

Howard - Spectacular Chess Problems

Howell - Essential Chess Endgames

Informant - Los Mejores Finales de Capablanca y Fischer

Karpov & Glik - Mis Finales Favoritos

Muller & Lamprecht - Fundamental Chess Endings

Nabokov, Vladimir - Poems and Problems

Nesis,Gennady - Come entrare in un finale vincente

Opposite-Coloured Bishops-Endgames

Ossimitz - Knight and Bishop Endings

Pandolfini's Endgame Course

Reti, Richard - Finales em Ajedrez - Estudios Completos

Seirawan,Yasser - Winning Chess Endings

Shereshevsky -Endgame Strategy

Silman,Jeremy - Essential Chess Endings Explained

Van der Heijden - Endgame Study Database 2000

Weteschnik - Pawn Endings Training

Chess in General

Chernev, Irving - Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played

Chernev, Irving - The Bright Side of Chess

Harding,Tim - Winning at Correspondence Chess

Horowitz & Reinfeld - The Complete Chess Course

Chess Openings

Adorjan_Dory-Come vincere con la Grunfeld

Allen - 33 Classic Opening Chess Traps and stumbles

Beliavsky & Mikhalchishin_The Two Knights Defence

Defensa Siciliana - Nuevos horizontes

ECO Encyclopedia

Ferreira & Sampaio - The Portuguese Opening

Gallagher,Joe - Winning With The King's Gambit

Gelencze,Emil - 200 celadas de apertura

Heisman, Dan -Traxler Counterattack

Lombardy,William - Modern Chess Opening Traps

Matsukevich - Microchess - 555 openings blunders

Mednis,Edmar - From the opening to the endgame

Minzer,Claudio & Gustavo Albarran - Accelerated Dragon

Pandolfini - Chess openings - Traps and zaps

Pandolfini - Chess openings - Traps and zaps 2

Ripperger - The Isolated Queen Pawn

Sawyer, Tim - The Grob Attack

Tartakower & Du Mont - 100 Master Games of Modern Chess

Tartakower & Du Mont - 500 Master Games of Chess

Znosko-Borovsky,Eugene A - How to play the chess openings

Chess Players

Alekhine Best Games 1908-1923

Alekhine Best Games 1924-1937

Botvinnik - One hundred selected games

Capablanca's Hundred Best Games of Chess

Gallagher,Joe - The Magic of Mikhail Tal

Glogoric - Selected Chess Masterpieces

Gordon - Henrique Mecking_ Latin Chess Genius

Gordon & Long - Henrique Mecking_ Latin Chess Genius

Kasparov - The Test of Times

Khalifman - Tal Games I

Soltis, Andrew - Tal the Magnificent

Chess Strategy

40 Lessons for the Club Player

Aleksey Bartashnikov - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy

Cozens - Lessons in Chess Strategy

Euwe,Max - Chess Master vs Chess Amateur

Euwe,Max - Judgment and Planning in Chess

King,Daniel - How Good Is Your Chess

Kotov - Plan Like a Grandmaster

Kotov - Think Like a GrandMaster

Krogius,NV - La psicología en ajedrez

Motwani,Paul - H.O.T.Chess

New Ideas in Chess

Nimzowitch,Aaron - El sentido commun en Ajedrez

Nimzowitch,Aaron - My System

Pachman,Ludek - Modern Chess Strategy

Reti,Richard - Modern Ideas in Chess

Watson,John - Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy

Ziatdinov - GM-RAM Essential GM Knowledge

Chess Tactics and Middlegame

Alburt - Chess Training Pocket Book

Auerswald & Ossimitz - 3500 Chess Tactical Training Positions

Bain - Chess Tactics for Students

Bobekov, Milev & Minev - Chess Combinations

Bondarevsky - Combinations in the Middle game

Brieger - The Joy of Mate

Chernev,Irving - The 1000 Best Short Games of Chess

Dumont - Chess _ More Miniature Games

Encyclopedia of Chess Middlegame

Fine, Reuben - The Middlegame in Chess

François le Lionnais - Brilliancy Prize on Chess

Ftacnik,Lubomir - 1000x checkmate

Grief - 200 Challenging Chess Puzzles

Heidenfeld Wolfgang - Draw!

Horowitz,IA - Games to Remember

Intensive Course of Tactics

Keres & Kotov - The Art of the Middle Game

Khenkin - The last check - Anthology of the mate combinations

Kolesnikov,R - Checkmate in Ukraine

Mossa - Il Bianco Muove e Vince

Nezhmetdinov,RG - Izbrannye Partii

Ossimitz - Smothered Mate

Polgar - 5334 Chess Problems

Polgar Chess Middlegames

Ponzetto - Test di Schacchi

Reinfeld, Fred - 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate

Reinfeld, Fred - Win at Chess

Renaud,Georges and Victor Kahn - The Art of the Checkmate

Renko - Intensive Chess Tactics

Renko - Killer Moves

Ruvolo - L'Arte di attaccare in 120 partite miniature

Schlossner,Henrik - Fritz Technique Trainer

Segal,Alexandre - Fundamentos de Tatica

Seirawan, Yasser - Winning Chess Brilliancies


The ABC of Chess Middlegames

Vukovic, Vladimir - Art of Attack in Chess

Wilson & Alberston - 303 Tactical Chess Puzzles

Wilson & Alberston - 303 Tricky Checkmates

Wilson & Albertson - 303 Tricky Chess Tactics

Chess Tournaments

Battle Royale NY 1924

Saint Petersburg 1909

URS-ch 1920-1991

Peso Comprimido 26.7 MB

Peso Descomprimido 134 MB



A - C

ChessBase - A00 - Sokolsky 1.b4 By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - A67 Modern Bononi 8...Nbd7 By Motaz Elrefaie

ChessBase - Aaron Nimzowitsch - Chess Praxis

Chessbase - ABC of Chess Middlegames - Gary Gauthier

ChessBase - Albin Counter-Gambit by Luc Henris

Chessbase - Alexander Bangiev - Squares Strategy Vol. 1-2-3-4

Chessbase - All World Championships 1886-2002

Chessbase - Anatoli Karpov

Chessbase - Andrew Soltis - Spassky'S Best Games

ChessBase - Art of Attack in Chess

Chessbase - B99 Najdorf. Main Line by Tyomkin

Chessbase - Basic Chess Endings - Reuben Fine

Chessbase - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy - Alexey Bartashnikov

ChessBase - Bird Opening

ChessBase - Bird Opening By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - Bobby Fischer Rediscovered (chess book) - Soltis

Chessbase - BogoIndian by Schipkov

Chessbase - Books on Chess Strategy - Mark Dvoretsky

Chessbase - Botvinnik on the Endgame - Mikhail Botvinnik

Chessbase - Botvinnik's 100 best games annotated by Botvinnik

ChessBase - Budapest Gambit, 2nd Edition - Dmitrij Oleinikov

Chessbase - Caro-Kann

Chessbase - Caro-Kann - Panov-Attack - Zoran Petronijevic B13-B14

Chessbase - Catalan Opening - Mihail Marin

ChessBase - Catalan Opening By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - Check and Mate by Jamesir - Daniel King

Chessbase - Chess Endings for Beginners - J. H. Blake

Chessbase - Chess Informant 1-100

ChessBase - Chigorin Defence - Martin Breutigam

Chessbase - Chigorin Defense

Chessbase - Colle.System_D.Olienikov

Chessbase - Commented Endgames - Jan van Reek

Chessbase - Commented Endgames - Speelman, Wade, Tisdal

Chessbase - Common Sense in Chess - Emanuel Lasker



D - E

Chessbase - Deadly Threats by George Renko

Chessbase - Dealing with d4 deviations - Everyman [Cox, 2007]

Chessbase - Dutch Defence A90-A99 by Boris Schipkov

Chessbase - Dutch Defence Leningrad System A86-A89

Chessbase - Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - Mark Dvoretsky

Chessbase - Dynamic Chess Strategy - Mihai Suba

Chessbase - Endgame Competition 2005 - John Nunn

Chessbase - Endgame Course - Bruce Pandolfini

Chessbase - Endgame Databases - Ossimitz

Chessbase - Endgame Strategy - Mikhail Shereshevsky

Chessbase - Endgame Studies and Problems

Chessbase - Endgame Study Database 2000

Chessbase - Endgame Study Database 2000-2003 - Van der Heijden

Chessbase - Endgame Study Database III

Chessbase - Endgames_3_4_men.Nalimov

ChessBase - English Opening 1.c4 e5 - Marin, M - 2003 By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - English opening 1.c4 e5 - Marin, Mihail

Chessbase - Extensive Training Tools

Chessbase - Extreme Endgames



F - H

ChessBase - Fire on Board - Shirov

Chessbase - Four Knights vs Queen

Chessbase - French Defense C10-C19 (Text-Database-Training)

Chessbase - French Defense Nc3

Chessbase - Fundamental Chess Endings - Müller & Lamprecht

Chessbase - Gambit Lexicon - Bangiev

Chessbase - Gruenfeld Indian by Knut Neven

Chessbase - Gruenfeld Indian Defense - Neven, K - 2003

Chessbase - How Not to Play Chess - Eugene Znosko-Borovsky

Chessbase - How To Play Combinative Chess - Kotov

Chessbase - How To Reassess Your Chess - Jeremy Silman




ChessBase - Immortal Games of Capablanca - Fred Reinfeld

Chessbase - Inforchess - Miguel Najdorf

Chessbase - Intensive Chess Tactics Course by Renko

ChessBase - Intensive Course Tactics 2



J - L

Chessbase - Jose R Capablanca's Career (cbv, bmp,pdf,wav)

Chessbase - Killer Moves by George Renko

Chessbase - King's Gambit

Chessbase - King's Indian - Starting Out [Gallagher, 2006]

Chessbase - King's Indian Attack - Starting Out [Emms, 2007]

Chessbase - King's Indian Attack By Jamesir

Chessbase - King's Indian Samisch

Chessbase - King's Indian Structure

ChessBase - King's Indian structure with f5-f4 By Motaz Elrefaie

ChessBase - Larsen - 50 best games 1948-68



M - N

Chessbase - MegaCorr 4

Chessbase - Meran Variation

Chessbase - Middlegame - School Of Elementary Tactics

Chessbase - Modern Benoni by Jean Hebert

Chessbase - Modern Endgame Practice - Alexander Beliavsky

Chessbase - Modern Ideas

Chessbase - Modern Ideas in Chess - Richard Réti

Chessbase - Modern_Chess_Sacrifice_CBV_(e-book) - Shamkovich

Chessbase - My Chess Career - Capablanca, J R - 1920, Ed 2002 Sawyer, T

Chessbase - New Ideas In Chess

Chessbase - Nimzo Indian - Starting Out [Ward, 2007]

Chessbase - Nimzo-Indian - Dangerous Weapons [Emms, Ward, Palliser, 2007]

ChessBase - Nimzo-Indian_Qc2 By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - Nimzo-Queen's Indian, QID,

Chessbase - Nimzovich Defense Ultimate CD (Hugh Myers)


O - Q

ChessBase - Opening Surveys By Motaz Elrefaie

Chessbase - Opposite-Coloured Bishops - E. Solozhenkin

Chessbase - Paul Morphy

Chessbase - Paul Morphy (491 Annotated Games)

Chessbase - Pawn Ending Kasparov-Karpov - Karsten Mueller

Chessbase - Pawn Endings

Chessbase - Pawn Endings - Martin Weteschnik

Chessbase - Pawn Structure Chess - Andrew Soltis

Chessbase - Pirc Defence - Aleksei Lugovoi

Chessbase - Pirc Defence - Complete Cd

Chessbase - Practical Chess Endings - Irving Chernev

Chessbase - QGD, Slav Defense - International Master

ChessBase - Queens.Gambit Orthodox Exchange

Chessbase - Queens Gambit by Gary Kasparov

Chessbase - Queen'S Gambit Accepted - By Schipkov

ChessBase - Queen's gambit accepted D20-D29 - Boris Schipkov By Motaz Elrefaie



Chessbase - Reti

Chessbase - Right Decisions by Jacob Aaagard & Esben Lund

Chessbase - Rook Endgames - Starting Out [Ward, 2007]

ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defense - 2539 Games

ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Breyer Variation - 1213 Games

Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Cozio Variation

ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Exchange Variation - 2573 Games

Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Marshal Conter-Gambit (Tim Harding - Pdf Pgn CBH)

ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Modern Steinitz Defense - 2

ChessBase - Ruy Lopez - Modern Steinitz Defense - 2031 Games

Chessbase - Ruy Lopez - Starting Out [Shaw, 2007]



Chessbase - Scandinavian Opening - Kurt Hansen

Chessbase - Schach-Archiv Endgames

Chessbase - School of Elementary Tactics - Weteschnik

Chessbase - Scotch Game - Starting Out

Chessbase - Secrets.Of.The.English.Chess.School

Chessbase - Sicilian - Modern ways of playing the - by Amador Rodriguez

Chessbase - Sicilian - New horizons for Black - A. Rodriguez

Chessbase - Sicilian [Emms, Palliser, 2007] - Dangerous Weapons

ChessBase - Sicilian Alapin by Evgeny Svesnikov (fried fox)

Chessbase - Sicilian Alapin System (With Opening Tree) - Dorian Rogozenko

Chessbase - Sicilian Closed [Palliser, 2006]

Chessbase - Sicilian Defence - Closed

ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Deferred Wing Gambit

ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - LaBourdonnaisVariat

Chessbase - Sicilian Defense - Modern (Text-Database-Training)

Chessbase - Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation - 9898 Games

ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Polugajweski Variation ECO B96 - 706

ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - Scheveningen Variation - 11586 Games

ChessBase - Sicilian Defense - ScheveningenVariati

Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon 1 Dorian Rogozenko

Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon - Complete - A Schneider

Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon (B70 - B74) - Dorian Rogozenko


S - 2

Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon (B75 - B79) - Dorian Rogozenko

Chessbase - Sicilian Dragon For Experts By Attila Schneider

Chessbase - Sicilian Sveshnikov Chess Training

Chessbase - Sicilian, Paulsen System [B40-B49] - Sommerbauer, Norbert - 2005

Chessbase - Slav and Semi-Slav - Starting Out [Flear, 2007]

Chessbase - Starting out Rooks and Pawns

Chessbase - Strategy 3.0

Chessbase - Strategy by Wells 77-119

Chessbase - Study - Basic Principles of Chess Strategy I-II-III

Chessbase - Study Database 2000 (58796 Endings) - Van Der Heijden, H - 2000



Chessbase - Tactics and Strategic training Databases (Collection)

Chessbase - Tactics and Strategic Training Databases (Updated)

Chessbase - Tactics CD by Rainer Knaak

Chessbase - Tactics For Advanced Students Part1

ChessBase - Test Your Chess - Henrik Schloessner

Chessbase - Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess - Danny Kopec

Chessbase - The ABC of Chess Middlegames (Strategy & Tactics) - Gauthier, G - 1999

ChessBase - The ABC of Chess Openings

Chessbase - The ABC of Endgames (ChessBase, English-German)

Chessbase - The Art Of Attack In Chess

Chessbase - The Art of Chess Analysis

Chessbase - The Art of Defence in Chess

Chessbase - The Black Knights Tango - Book Joel Benjamin

Chessbase - The Final Countdown - Hajenius & Van Riemsdijk

Chessbase - The Greatest Tournaments in the History of Chess 1851-1986

Chessbase - The Isolated Queen Pawn - Reinhold Ripperger

ChessBase - The isolated Queen's pawn

ChessBase - The Modern Sacrifice byShamkovich

ChessBase - Trompowsky Attack - Knaak

Chessbase - Twic Theory 2005-2006 Nos 1-24 With 3 Free Numbers


V - W - #

Chessbase - 1 d4 - Reliable repertoire for improving player - Cox - Starting Out - Everyman ebook

Chessbase - 1 Nc3 The Van Geet Opening by D Maddox

Chessbase - 1000 Most Famous Chess Combinations - Sukhin

ChessBase - 3500 Chess Tactical Training Positions CBV (e-book)

Chessbase - Vienna - 2005 - Gregory Huber

Chessbase - White Repertoire 1.e4

Chessbase - Winning Chess Endings - Yasser Seirawan

Chessbase - Winning in 20 moves

Chessbase - Winning in 20 Moves (333 short games) - Ftacnik, L - 1998





3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

me ha gustado mucho, creo que somos muy pocos los que leemos estos temas de ajedrez. saludos

Rescatemos la Democracia!! dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

pudieras actualizar las ligas por favor, ya no funcionan